Rei Kōtuku is a new charity that has been set up to provide specialist paediatric palliative care to children and their whanau for free - in the Wellington and the Central Region. We provide specialist medical and nursing care, as well as emotional and bereavement support. We partner with amazing organisations throughout NZ to help us provide the specialist care to wrap around the child and their whanau when they need it.
At Rei Kōtuku, we work with parents antenatally who have a baby with a diagnosis of a serious illness (perinatal palliative care), babies, tamariki and rangatahi who have a serious illness.
That includes young people with cancer who may have a poor prognosis, or have symptoms (such as pain or nausea) that are challenging to manage.
We also see tamariki and young people with rare disorders, including genetic disorders, metabolic conditions, neurological conditions, heart disease, or renal or liver failure.
Rei Kōtuku is here to support any young person who is vulnerable and needs extra physical, social, psychological, spiritual or bereavement support.